Year Five News

It has been a fantastic start to what will certainly be a very busy term.  The Year Five students have continued to engage in their learning journey and reflect on their growth both academically and personally.


Unit of Inquiry

Term Four has seen the commencement of Unit of Inquiry Five with the Central Idea of 'Systems can be an important component of living an efficient life.' Students across the cohort have been engaging in the different types of systems that fall under the categories of Natural and Engineered. Their investigation will focus on the engineered, or man-made systems, where students will have their choice of subject to research and present. Some of the subjects students have chosen are: the Government system, the Space exploration system, the Welfare system and the Alternative energy system.



This Unit of Inquiry will focus on comprehension strategies to analyse information and structural features of topics based around Human made systems and how they are interconnected. They will also be exposed to a range of mentor texts to assist in developing their understanding of morals and themes. The writing genre will be learning how to construct an Explanation text and how they depict the 'How' and 'Why' something happens. These can be categorised as sequential, casual or consequential and the students will create an Explanation text to accompany their Systems investigation.



The Mathematics focus for this Unit of Inquiry will be Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. Prior knowledge has been determined and students will engage in Fluid groupings which will  target their point of need. Students will learn about the parts of a fraction, equivalence and simplifying, using the four operations with fractions, converting proper, improper and mixed fractions along with determining the connections to decimals and percentages.

No Hat, No Play

Please be mindful that Saltwater College is a SunSmart school and the 'No hat, no play' policy is enforced. Please ensure your child has a hat otherwise they will be required to remain in the shade for the duration of recess and lunch times.