Year Four News 

Written by the Year Four Team

It's unbelievable that we are now into our fourth and final term for 2022. Term Four is welcomed with much enthusiasm towards all the exciting events to come. It's been a great start this Term as the Year Fours continued to inquire into their fifth Unit of Inquiry 'Exploration leads to discoveries, possibilities and new understanding'. 


Students have began their personal student led investigations where they are required to inquire into their personal wondering related to the Unit of Inquiry.  Students are in the process of formulating their own open-ended question and proceeding to complete their independent research. The Year Four's worked through developing their research skills by identifying credible, reliable sources and being able to paraphrase content from texts read. These skills will assist them in being able to independently research into their wondering. Using the information gained they will be required to present their new learning.



We are nearing the end of learning about historical narratives with students using the writing process to complete their own writing piece implementing their learning. Students have chosen their own explorer or historical event to inspire their writing. 


They will need to think about how to engage their audience using literary devices, include factual content and organise their writing using the correct structure and paragraphs. Students conducted research independently to gain information that will be transferred into their writing. 


The Year Fours have started a new concept, division. Students have been organised into their fluid groups and learning new strategies to solve division problems. Being able to recall division facts assists students in developing efficient strategies to solve problems.  It's highly encouraged that students practise these for homework. 


Skills  that have been taught are:

-Develop efficient mental and written strategies for division where there is no remainder.

-Solve problems involving division by a one digit number, including those that result in a remainder.

-Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers and make estimates.



  • It is compulsory for students to wear a school hat during recess and lunch in Term Four.
  • Camp consent and medical forms are to be returned to classroom teachers.
  • Students are required to bring their devices each day fully charged.
  • Curriculum Day- 31st October
  • Melbourne Cup Public Holiday- 1st November