Year One News 

Written by the Year One Team

Hello Year One Families,


We hope you are all well and getting back into the school routine. The children have happily settled into the school and back to their classroom routines. The students enjoyed their excursion to Animal Land this Friday, we will add some photos on the Year One Schoolbox page, next week.


Graffiti Wall - Reading
Graffiti Wall - Reading

In Reading, we are consolidating our learning about questioning – answering questions about the text we have read. This can also be done at home with take home readers (this includes books read via Reading Eggs, Epic and PM Readers as well as any story parents read to their children) – this is one way we check for comprehension. Some questions will have answers that can be found in the book and other questions require inferring (using prior knowledge and the text clues) also known as reading between the lines. We will be doing an author study and looking at how the author uses writing craft– this also feeds into our writing focus for the term. We have now finished procedural texts writing and are starting to learn about narrative texts. Students will learn how to craft a narrative by using settings, character traits, problems and solutions as well as interesting leads and strong verbs.


In Numeracy we have started Term Four learning about time – in Year One, the curriculum focus for the students is to be able to tell the time, both using an analogue clock and a digital clock, to the hour and half hour, for example 1 O’clock or 1.30 half past 12 or 12.30. You can support your child’s learning at home by talking about the time and drawing their attention to any clocks you have at home. We continue to support your child’s learning needs by differentiating in lessons, and through Fluid Maths Groups (based on targeted needs).


For Inquiry, we are finishing up our fourth Unit of Inquiry. Our central idea is, ‘Food resources go through processes before they can be used in our communities’. The children have learnt about processes that some of our foods (such as wheat and milk) go through before they arrive in our supermarkets. You may have noticed that your child is showing an interest in the foods they eat at home and where they have come from.


Weekly Reminders


Our school day starts promptly at 8:30am, the doors are unlocked at 8:20 for the children to come in and get themselves ready for the day. If your child arrives after 8:40am, they must get a late pass from the office.

Please remember to bring fully charged iPads every day. We use these for different purposes, such as accessing Reading Eggs, Epic, Mathletics, assessments and learning tasks on Essential Assessment, as well as uploading work to Schoolbox for you to enjoy. There are only a small number of school iPads which are borrowed on a first come first serve basis. If your child has their own iPad, please ensure that it is fully charged and in their school bag.

Spelling homework – Please check with your child’s teacher if you’re unsure when their homework is due back.

We are a SunSmart school so hats must be worn in Terms Four and One, please make sure it's clearly labelled with their name. If your child has lost their hat, check with their classroom teacher and check in lost property, located in the office area. 

Please speak with your child’s classroom teacher if you have any concerns, questions or queries. 

From the Year One Team