Prep News 

Dear Prep Families and Carers,


What a wonderful start to Term 4 it has been! We are so proud of our students for settling back into routine so quickly and showing a great level of independence and confidence when engaging in learning tasks.


Last week we had our Provocation Day for our final Unit of Inquiry of the year central to the  Transdiciplinary Theme 'How the World Works'. Students had opportunities to engage in a range of activities where they could explore their curiosities, learn about different topics and share further wonderings with their peers collaboratively. Our central idea for this Unit of Inquiry is 'Living things may grow, change and develop over time.' 

Prep students celebrated their learning in our whole school assembly about our Provocation Day.


In Reading this week, we explored Non-Fiction texts and their features. Students were introduced to the text type of Procedural texts. We also explored various Oliver Jeffers mentor texts as an introduction to our author study for this Unit of Inquiry. 


In Writing, the students demonstrated an enthusiasm to participate in various language experiences such as craft activities and making delicious fairy bread. This linked to the introduction of writing procedural texts where students explored the vocabulary of 'first, then, next and last' as well as learning about the features of a Procedural text.



In Mathematics, the Prep students had the opportunity to demonstrate their prior knowledge about money using concrete materials such as play based money, including Australian coins and notes. The students have built their confidence to identify Australian coins and notes and were able to communicate their understanding with their peers and teachers. The students also consolidated their knowledge of time and subtraction through hands-on activities this week. 

We look forward to seeing students explore their wonderings in our new Unit of Inquiry this term!


Weekly Reminders:

  • Students are required to bring a hat to school everyday - No Hat, No Play.
  • Please ensure students are bringing fully charged iPads with headphones to school daily.