Thinking About Others

Many of our Homerooms have taken up the challenge to provide food and small comforts for members of our local community for our Hearts and Hands Mass this year.


Every year we support our local chapter of St Vincent de Paul by collecting donations of non-perishable food items, warm coats and blankets. We know that this year not only is it very cold but families are under even more pressure to meet the costs of everyday living.


Some of our Homerooms have chosen a ‘family’ to support and they have discussed the items that these people might need. We have chosen this approach because it increases empathy when we can put ourselves in the position or experience of other people. Many will be familiar with the classic wisdom from Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird that he shared with his daughter Scout - “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”  Of course supporting others and reaching out to them is an attitude deeply grounded in Gospel values of love of neighbour and compassion. We are hoping that all our students take this on board, to consider what it might be like to be without something and respond with generosity. We will be collecting items until Friday 17th June and will be presenting them to our local chapter of St Vincent de Paul at the Hearts and Hands Mass on the same day at 2:00pm. 


Here are some of the models of family our Homerooms are ‘caring’ for.