Religious Education


The Easter Challenge  - Joyce Rupp

You believe because you can see .....

Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.   - John 20:29


Every year it happens:

earth shakes her sleepy head,

still a bit wintered and dull,

and feels new life stirring


Every year cocoons give up thier treasures,

fresh shoots push through brown leaves,

seemingly dead branches shine with green,

and singing birds foind thier way home


Every year we hear the stories


empty tomb,suprised grievers, 

runners with news and revelation,

unexpected encounters,

conversations on the road,

tales of nest filling with fish,

and breakfast on a seashore


And every year 

the dull and dead in us 

meets our Easter challenge:


to be open to the unexpected,

to believe beyond our security,

to welcome God in every form,

and trust in our own greening.


Sacramental Program

The Sacramental Program Enrollment forms have been sent home with children from years 3 - 6 for Sacraments in 2021. 

Enrollment forms are to be returned to the school before the 29th  April or to the Parish between 5-6 pm on Thursday 29th April. 

A list of children enrolled in the 2020 sacramental program has been organised and families will be contacted in due course.  As yet exact dates for Reconcilliation and First Eucharist have not been confirmed however a time frame has been given. 

RECO 2020 enrollment -  late May

FIRST EUCHARIST -  End of term 2 - begining of Term 3

CONFIRMATION -  22nd August

RECO 2021 enrollment  - Nov 2021

By the end of this year the 2020 enrollment will have caught up on the Sacraments missed last year. 

The Sacramental program will go ahead within the COVID restrictions. 


A stole is to be worn during the Sacraments.  The Stole can be individual to the child or a family stole.  The stole can be hand made or purchased through our supplier. 

HOLY BEGINNINGS - supplies the stoles for the parish. An order form has been sent home with children. 

To order these please send the order form back to school with a cash payment, alternatively you can contact Anita to pay for the stoles via direct deposit. 

ANZ bank

Anita M Hughes

BSB 013-593

Account no. 322691326

Please  put child’s full name in the details.


Candidates for sacraments will be contacted 4 weeks before each sacrament to order stoles so that there is time for these to be made. 

HOLY BEGINNINGS can be contacted directly if you wish to order your stole independently. 

Children who are making Reconciliation in May will need to organise their stoles now. Please return the order form and payment to school or Parish house by the 4th May. No late orders will be organised by the parish. You will need to do this independently if you miss the date. 

Stoles will be delivered to St. Anne's school and will be dispersed to families from there. 




Pope Francis Prayer focus for April

Let us pray that we may experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation with renewed depth, to taste the infinite mercy of God. Amen