Around Grade 1/2

Important Dates:

Monday 3rd May to 14th May - Living Eggs Hatching Program 

Friday 14th May - Grade 1/2 Mini Hoops 

Monday 17th May- Marvelous Mini Beasts Incursion

Tuesday 18th May - Bop To You Drop Disco

Monday 14th June - Queen’s Birthday (no school)

Tuesday 15th June - Curriculum Day (pupil free)

Thursday 24th June - Reports and Student Learning Diaries go home


Student Learning Diaries: 

We hope you have enjoyed looking through your child’s SLD book over the holidays. Thank-you to those who have filled out the 2 Stars and a Wish sheet and returned it to the classroom teacher. If you haven’t yet done so, please return it ASAP so we can start adding some new tasks to it for Term 2.


Reader’s Workshop:

In Reader’s Workshop, students will be learning about the difference between facts and opinions. They will be practicing their comprehension skills by answering literal questions about texts they are reading. Students will also be learning how to make connections to themselves, other texts and the world. They will make predictions before, during and after they read.


Writer’s Workshop:

This term in Writer’s Workshop, students will be learning two different genre’s - Informational Texts and Narratives. They will be focusing on structure, language and purpose of each text. In conjunction with the Writers Workshop model, students will be encouraged to look for keywords to distinguish between fact and opinion. 



In Maths, we will continue to include a 5-minute warm-up at the start of our lessons. These warm-ups are designed to engage students and help with a quick recall of number facts.

In Number, students will be learning a range of strategies to help solve addition and subtraction problems. In our money unit, they will be learning about Australian coins and notes, ordering money amounts and counting collections.

In Non-Number, we will be learning to read time on analogue and digital clocks to the half hour (Grade 1) and to the quarter hours (Grade 2). As part of our Time Unit we will also explore durations of time, seasons, months and calendars. Later this term we will explore measurement, specifically length, mass and capacity. 



This term we are looking at living things. We will be studying Mini Beasts and Life Cycles. We look forward to the Living Eggs Program where students will be able to watch eggs hatch into baby chickens. We will also be having a Marvelous Mini Beast incursion, where students will be given the opportunity to:

 - learn about lifecycles, food chains and adaptations

- hold and feed a range of Mini Beasts

- examine Mini Beasts with microscopes

- catch, examine and identify aquatic water bugs.

Living Things Provocation Table
Living Things Provocation Table
Mini Beast Bug Hunt!
Mini Beast Bug Hunt!

Homework Reminders:

Students in Grade 1 will continue to practise reading their Magic Words for homework. They will move onto SMART Spelling words when they have completed their Magic Words. Students in Grade 2 will continue to bring home weekly spelling words on a Monday and read for 15 minutes each day, recording this in their Home Reading Journal. Please ensure that your child’s homework book is at school every Monday so their new words can be pasted in and their Reader Bag and Journal are at school daily. 


A gentle reminder that your child is marked for their Homework on their school reports. Students reading logs will help determine their mark. Please help us make sure this is accurate by filling in this information. Please do not feel that you have to fill the comments section on a daily basis, as long as we can see they are reading. 


Jessica O'Sullivan, Karen Sharland, Sarah Bailey and Russell Smith