Sub School News

Sub School News

Year 7:

As we welcomed back our Year 7 students from the break, it was pleasing to see students engaged and eager to get back to learning. Thanks to 7 Ace science class for sharing. 

Its been a wait but we're really excited to be finally taking the Year 7's on Camp next week to Kinglake.  We can't wait to share news and photos of this get away in the next newsletter.  

Year 8:

Welcome back to Term 2 to our Year 8 families, we hope you had a lovely Easter break and are ready to go for another school term. We finished the term very positively with lots of Year 8 students receiving 100% attendance awards in our final assembly along with a guitar performance from one of our very talented Year 8 students, Stewart Noa. At our final assembly we also introduced our Year 8 leaders Olivia Argaet, William Salu and Ali Alizadah, we are looking forward to working with our leaders throughout the course of this year in the planning and delivery of activities and programs for the benefit and engagement of our Year 8 cohort.

Wednesday the 5th of May we will be holding a “Welcome back” pizza afternoon for our Year 8 students at school, this event is free of charge and will begin at 3:15 pm and conclude at 4:00 pm. The purpose of the afternoon is to strengthen the relationships amongst the students and teachers to further engage our students and enhance their connectedness to the college. Online consent is to be completed via compass by Friday the 30th of May.

Cross Country is coming up next week and it would be great to see all our Year 8 students getting involved and earning as many points possible for their respective houses. Also this term we will be running a Year 8 home group competition where the home group with the most School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Plan points will be treated to a lunch of their choice at the end of the term. These points are earned through students demonstrating positive behaviours that embody our school values.

Term 2 can be rather busy with reports and assessment, we advise our students to be as organised as possible, stay on top tasks, revise their work regularly and above all seek assistance should they require it. All our dedicated staff are here to support our students and work hard to improve our student’s outcomes. We look forward to another successful term with our Year 8 students.


Year 9:

Year 9 Sub School News

Welcome back to Term Two. I trust everyone had a safe and restful Easter break. It was lovely to see so many relaxed and smiling faces back at school last week. Towards the end of Term One, Liska spoke with the Year 9 students about random acts of kindness and encouraged all students to think of one way they could ‘pay kindness forward’. Hopefully your child was able to think of some acts of kindness over the holidays. Students have had a busy start back at school. They have been practising their long distance running in preparation for Cross Country Day and attended the SELLIN Careers expo to learn more about what exciting careers are available for them once leaving school.

Just a reminder, now we are in Term Two, the winter uniform needs to be worn. This includes the winter skirt for female students. The summer dress can no longer be worn. As the days become cooler, students are reminded that hoodies and non-school jumpers are not permitted. If you need assistance purchasing any uniform items, please contact the front office.


Senior School:

It was great to see the Year 12's participate in the 2021 Cross Country last Friday, the remainder of the school will be taking part in Cross Country this Friday; Good Luck everyone!