AGM - EIO Report

The Education and Innovations Officer (EIO) is an integral member of the VAPS Committee responsible for developing and maintaining the quality of VAPS’ professional development programs and Community of Inquiry training. They are also responsible for and are actively involved in a number of programs and activities of the Association.
Education Officer·
Planned, designed, coordinated and managed staffing for two Community of Inquiry Level 1 (one on-line) training program per year (where there are sufficient attendees).
Planned, designed, coordinated and managed staffing for one on-line Community of Inquiry Level 2 including attendees from Singapore, HK and interstate.
Contribute to the on-going development of the Level 3 program through FAPSA.
Took an active role in running workshops, seminars or sessions at VAPS Conferences, including VCE stream and PIPS presentations.
Designed and implemented programs, events and professional development strategies which meet the Aims and Purposes of the Association as set out in the VAPS Constitution.
Identified places for the expansion of the philosophy or philosophical inquiry in the curriculum.
Contributed to the development of resources for the VAPS website (e.g., VCAA Capability project) and briefing of academics for VAPS Conference (e.g., Thought Experiments and think Aloud).
Designed and organised on-line Student Forums for VCE students.
Established and manage strategic relationships with partner organisations, including:
Signing off on Memorandum of Understanding with both Melbourne Zoos and Museums Victoria.
Projects continue with NGV, National Gallery of Victoria
Liaison with CPTAV Council of Professional Teaching Associations of Victoria on governance and resourcing associations.
PCYNAP Philosophy for Children and Youth in the Asia Pacific Network: establishment of Asian Pacific Children’s Circle commencing in April – of interest to VAPS in terms of Intercultural Capability.
VCAA Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority: curated resources for ethical Capbility
ICPIC International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children
Represented VAPS at the national level with FAPSA as Council Member and Secretary of FAPSA.
Assisted office bearers of the Association or other designated officials in their roles as necessary.
Established and maintained networks of communication with members by region, specifically the Ballarat and Moe offices, and the Primary network.
Contributed to a semi-regular newsletter of the Association.
Submitted an Annual report on the activities of the Association to the Association to be presented at the Annual General Meeting.