Positive Education

Respectful Relationships – Learning for Life

Developing positive and respectful relationships is an important part of a student's emotional and social development. The relationships in a student's life, including those with friends, family and peers, can influence their physical health, promote self-esteem and assist them in developing a sense of belonging.


In the Learning for Life program this term, students in Yrs 7-9 will be focusing on respectful relationships.


Respectful relationships education focuses on building and promoting gender equity in relationships and challenging of gender stereotypes. Respectful relationships education is also about tackling family violence. 


Teaching and learning about respectful relationships is an essential part of a whole-school approach to the prevention of gender-based violence.


7B Reflections on Term One

Term One came and went in a daze of learning new things, making new friends and arriving on time to the right class. Our Year 7s have had an amazing term one and are now settled into term two really well. We are very proud of their achievements and the way they have faced the challenges of moving into and around their new environment. We have had some bumps and hurdles but overall, the Yr 7s are awesome and we are proud of you. 😊


What did you find difficult or challenging about adjusting to high school?


Going to school was difficult because I was always sleepy.Harry


Maths and paying attention in class.Sonia


I found being organized kind of difficult. Everything was moving too fast and the teachers were throwing lots of stuff at us. But I got the hang of it. Yarra


Knowing where to go and carrying a lot of stuff. Ethan


Learning where all my classes are.Maryanne


Starting organized and trying to stay focused with longer sessions. - Aliesha


At the start I didn’t know much Italian but now I’m amazing.Fatima


Waking up so early compared to primary school. Annabelle


Getting used to different teachers. - Alan


What are some fun things you did?


We played dodgeball. We didn’t get much homework.Harry


Athletics and having fun with friends.Sonia


Athletics and my brother’s 21st birthday.Kirfaniah


Athletics day and the Kahoot competition. I enjoy the games we play in English.Yarra


Met more friends. I learnt stuff in science like how to make crystals and met new teachers. Ethan


The creek run, playing footy with my friends and Multicultural Day.Maryanne


Making the softball team. I met one of my closest friends the day I had my first potato cake from the canteen. - Aliesha


I am learning more and more English.  - Ahmed


The Italian competition.Thomas


Moving around the school, creek running and Athletics Day. Kenny


Dodgeball/skittleball, Kahoot and jokes.Fatima


I have met such nice people and I can talk to them if I need to. The teachers have been so helpful for the whole term and I’m really grateful to come to this school. - Annabelle





Colleen Hart

Positive Education and Year 7
