Chaplain's Corner 

Ms Tammy Bija | Monday and Friday

Hello MPS Community


What a great start to Term 2 with ANZAC twilight service, Autism Awareness day and all the amazing art work around the school made week one such a joy.  Then "boom" another lockdown!  Let's face it these things throw us a curveball and can provide us each with disappointments.  My friend sends me three words now in text message when things change quickly around us.  It makes me laugh - "everything is cancelled".  Think of it to the tune of the "everything is awesome" lego theme song.  It's stuck in your head now isn't it 😂?  We need to choose to laugh at times as it can relieve the reality of a hard situation.



I had a lot to share about things coming up for Chaplain Corner and the school but I just felt in this edition - keep it simple.  This is my personal mantra for the year and what I keep going back to when things are overwhelming me. So here are my keep it simple notes for you, your kids and our community as we continue forward through this term:

  • Care for yourself - check in with yourself - how are you feeling? What is going on in your own body, mind and emotions?  Acknowledge yourself and that it is ok to feel and be just as you are then adjust accordingly.  For example if you need a quiet moment then take it.  If you need to chat with someone for support then reach out. We are better for others when we take care of ourselves.
  • Care for others - what are the simple things that make your family at peace, what are the things you all enjoy? Do those things first!  You will find as you do then you and your kids will have the capacity to handle what life is throwing at you and you are able to express to others what you need.
  • Care for the environment - be mindful that everyone is feeling and expressing things differently and that as we recognise that then we can have compassion for each other.  Our community will be a stronger one as we share compassion despite our struggles.

Until next time, looking forward to sharing with you in the next newsletter at Chaplain's Corner what else we have been up to. My door is always open and I am in the school Monday and Friday's.  Please contact me through the School Administration if you have anything that you or your children need.


Tammy Bija