From the Deputy's 



Welcome to Term 2 and what an impressive start it has been. Our dusk ANZAC Service showcased our school choir and how well they came together to performs Flanders Field. 


Thank you Mr Tomlinson and Mrs Rogers for your tremendous work with our choir.

The dusk ANZAC Service was well received by our School Community with positive feedback about the timing of the event and the performance of our choir. This may well be the future trend for our school. Time will tell?


Term 2 has a number of significant events that engage our students significantly. In week 4 our Year 3 & 5 students will be taking part in NAPLAN. In weeks 6 & 7 our PP to year 4 students will be doing their swimming lessons and all students are encouraged to attend as swimming is a life-long skill. Swimming notes have been sent home and parents are encouraged to complete the green and orange forms and return them to their child’s teacher.  Payment options available are: 

  1. Cash to class teacher.
  2. EFT at front office or over the phone.
  3. Direct payment to MPS bank account.

There will also be Interschool Sport competitions in football, soccer and netball. More information will be forwarded in due course.


All in all we are set for an exciting time and I look forward to meeting with our parents.


Volodymyr Malanczak

Deputy Principal