Important Dates

A reminder that sunsmart hats are compulsory for students September through to April so all students will be required to wear their hats whilst outside. 

School Closure Dates for Staff Professional Development 2022

26 AprilLearning and Teaching
11 & 12 JulySpirituality Retreat
31 OctAssessment and Report Writing
Term 2 2022
25 AprANZAC Day - Public Holiday
26 AprSCHOOL CLOSURE DAY - Learning & Teaching
27 AprFirst Day Term 2
28 Apr

5/6 Parent Online Information Evening - 7pm

The Wonder of Living Program

29 AprEaster Liturgy 8.55am
5 MayMother's Day Stall
6 MayMother's Day Breakfast - 7.30am in the Hall
6 MayInter School Sports Dinjerra
10 May - 20 MayNAPLAN for Years 3 & 5
13 MayFarm Working Bee 9am - 11am
15-21 MayFamily Week
18 MayConfirmation Preparation Evening 5.30pm 5/6 Hub
20 MayNational Walk Safely to School Day
20 MayPrayer Gathering - 3/4 Hub 2.30pm
27 MayInter School Sport
30 MayCommunity Conversation 9am-10am
30 MayNational Reconciliation Week
3 JunPrayer Gathering - 5/6 Hub 2.30pm
3 JunInter School Sport
6-8 Jun5/6 Camp
9 JunSacrament of Confirmation 6pm Holy Family Parish
13 JunQueen's Birthday Public Holiday
14-15 JunLearning Conversations 3.30pm -7.30pm
17 JunPrayer Gathering - 1 & 2 Hubs 2.30pm
23-24 Jun3/4 Camp
24 JunLast Day Term 2 - Finish 1pm
Term 3 2022
11 JulySchool Closure Day - Staff Professional Development
12 JulySchool Closure Day - Staff Professional Development
13 JulyTerm 3 - First day back for all Students