Parish News

Holy Family Parish

Upcoming Parish Events


Introducing Confirmation Candidates

The Parish would like to introduce and congratulate our Confirmation Candidates during our regular Mass on:

Sunday 5th of June, 2022

10.00 AM*

Our Lady’s Church


So as a community we can pray and welcome you as you receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Congratulations!


*If candidates have a regular Mass that they attend please let us know and we can introduce them at their regular Mass times (these would be the Saturday night vigil Masses at Our Lady or Christ the King or the Sunday evening Masses at Our Lady’s or Christ the King).


We look forward to seeing you and your family that weekend.



Parish Consultation sessions

 Parish Vision:

We are a community of faith and love, growing, living and proclaiming the Way of the Gospel by forming new disciples.


As part of the implementation of our Vision, our Parish wishes to hear from Parishioners and our wider Parish community about your dreams for our Parish. Everyone is asked to consider what would it look and feel like if our Parish was one that was Vibrant with Vitality and Viable?


There are two sessions available:

·         Day time: Saturday 18th June 9.30am – Our Lady’s Pavilion - Maidstone

·         Evening: Thursday 23rd June 7.00pm – Our Lady’s Small Hall - Maidstone

Please contact the office to indicate which session you would like to attend:




 Fr Gerald