College News

Trinity for Tomorrow

In 2022, we celebrate 60 years on our wonderful East Perth campus. Over these 60 years, our College has significantly evolved and transformed, thanks mostly to the remarkable generosity of our incredible and supportive Trinity College community.


The Trinity for Tomorrow video reflects on the last six decades of our College, captures our community’s wonderful history of giving and outlines our plans for building a successful and sustainable future for the next generation of Men for Others.


Donate to the College Building Fund


We invite all Trinity families, past and present to make a voluntary tax-deductible donation to the Trinity College Building Fund via the link below. Donations will help us move forward on immediate plans for Camp Kelly and Waterford Playing Fields. 


This remains as a voluntary donation and each family is respectfully encouraged to discern their ability to make a donation according to their particular circumstances. 


All donations will be acknowledged in our upcoming winter edition of Trinity News (unless donor requests to remain anonymous).


2023 & 2024 Enrolments

Interviews for enrolments in Years 4 and 7 for 2023 and 2024 are being conducted throughout this term. If you are a sibling or Trinity Old Boy who are yet to enrol, please complete an online enrolment at the link below, or contact our College Registrar on 9219 1121.