Assistant Principal Report - Junior School and Wellbeing

June Sainsbery

NAPLAN assessments will be finalised this week.  Some of the challenges we have faced with the online platform, have centred around students not having their laptops updated and not bringing headphones.  The actual ‘system’ coped very well and there were very few difficulties with students connecting to the tests.  A big thank you to our key NAPLAN Co-ordinators:  Helen Bardolph, Kylie Galjar and Carolyn Evans. We are also very grateful to our IT team (Luke, Warwick and Gayan) for the technical support and quick response to any issues during the NAPLAN period.  NAPLAN results will be available to parents in Term Three.


The school held a very successful Open Night in the second week of this term.  I would like to thank all the junior school students who volunteered their time to come along and help on the night.  A big thank you to Year 7 students Miles Buchanan, Charlotte Conway, and Tayla Palazzolo.  These students spoke at the Open Night to all parents and students about their journey moving from primary to secondary school.  They were able to convey their thoughts about 6-7 transition confidently. It is not easy to speak in front of several hundred people and I congratulate these students for their effort.


Prior to Open Night, myself and Ms Payne (Year 7 Leader), visited our main feeder primary schools to address the grade six students and talk about the progression from Year 6 to Year 7.  We took along some of our current Year 7 students to these visits and they were able to answer many of the questions that the Grade 6 students had.  Thank you to the following students who assisted with these visits:


Miles Buchanan

Charlotte Conway 

Becca Darby

Summer Day

Tessa Finch

Noah Jeanes

Melissa Lettini

Zoe Makrakis

Charli Marsh-Bibb

Ben Martin

Josh McDougall

Johnny Su

Sunny Tulen

Molly Vega

Max Wadeson

Hunter Wilson


Year 9 students are on camp next week, heading up to Forest Edge Camp, located in Neerim South.  It is a very picturesque location and a terrific camp.  I am confident that the students will have an enjoyable and educative experience.