By Janelle Scott

At the end of Term One, Year 7 STEP had their long awaited Water Rocket Competition! There were three different categories to compete in, they were;

  • Furthest distance
  • 10m accuracy 
  • Team Colours/Strong Brand 

We are excited to announce the winners as follows;

Furthest distance Winners 1st – Green Lightning – Harry, Ethan and Will

2nd Nuclear Damage – James, Archer and Charli and 3rd The Soaker Assassins – Ava, Izzy, Aurelia and Maria.

10m accuracy Winners 1st – The Light Speed Bumblebees – Dane, Danko, Rhys and Tom

2nd Green Lightning and 3rd The Soaker Assassins and The Neutrons – Ben M, Hunter and Ben L

Team Colours/Strong Brand Winners 1st – The Soaker Assassins, 

2nd The Light Speed Bumblebees and 3rd The Neutrons 

Congratulations to our winners and well done to everyone else it was a tough competition!



Yr 7 STEP team.