Year 7 and 8 Cross Country

By Vanessa Leslie



Earlier this term, the Year 7 and 8 students participated in the College Cross Country event during their scheduled sport classes. With good weather on their side, students ran the 3km course around Walter Galt reserve and surrounding streets for fun, fitness and to select the Kingston Division Cross Country team. 

Congratulations to the following top 10 runners in their respective age groups who will now compete at the Kingston Division Championships on Wednesday 25th May at Karkarook Park. 

                                12 -13 Years

Riley Sullivan                      Eden Rachor

Noah Jeanes                      Joanna Zois 

Denver Cabrera                 Molly Vega 

Dylan Oakley                      Haylee Mills 

Archer Scaife                      Stephanie Phelps 

Byron Morris                      Tayla Palazzolo 

Benjamin Linton               Isobel Anwyl

Diesel Rasguido                 Ella Ojaimi

Ethan Hannah                    Charlotte Jones

Oliver Morgan                   Anesta Evans


                        14 Years


Alex Pizer-DiCiero            Juliana Bal

Archer Duke                       Amelia Neuweck

Charlie Dean                      Amelia Watterson

Corey Smith                        Marli Bailey

Darcy Murray                     Matilda Garnett

Cadell Caffrey                    Lily Murdoch

Sebastian Pliatsiaris         Laura Consiglio

Jaxon Cabrera                    Jessica Vuong

Harrison Scurrah               Zara Mann

Aidyn McLachlan              Olivia Angliss


Good luck to all runners across Years 7-12 next week at the Kingston Division competition.


Vanessa Leslie

Carnivals Coordinator