From The Principal

Mr David Russell

Welcome to Term Two

It has been pleasing to see the positive start to Term Two by students.  I regularly walk around the school during class time, dropping into classes and the level of engagement with the learning has been terrific.

The first day of term started with a wonderful ANZAC service and I thank Ms Natalie Baker for her organization of this event.  It was a great way to start the term.  It was just heartwarming to have the school come together as one for the first time in 12 months and it was fitting as we remembered those who had made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.



Although most restrictions have now been lifted there is still the ever present battle with COVID-19 in terms of absences.  We were fortunate in Term One as we had minimal cases in both the student and staff.  This has changed in the first weeks of this term.  In week two I had to make the difficult decision that Intermediate Sport could not go ahead as planned. At the time of the decision there were 24 staff already known as not working on that day and that was before there were any phone calls overnight and we had already exhausted our supply of relief teachers (many of them were also ill).  Then the teachers who were coaches had to be added into this number. At this time if the teachers who were coaches were not in the school we could not place a teacher in front of all Year 7-10 classes across the day. I cannot let that situation occur. Therefore, we had to cancel the sport. As it turned out there were a further four teachers who called in sick on the morning.

Moving forward, all extra-curricular activities such as camps, excursions, sport are subject to these last minute decisions regarding their viability in terms of the overall staffing picture, as we work our way through the waves of COVID-19 and other ailments.

I thank all students and parents for their understanding in relation to this.  They are not decisions I want to make.


Open Night/Tours

The college Open Night was held on Wednesday 3rd May and was extremely well attended by potential enrollees and their families.  There were an estimated 650 people in attendance, as we showcased the academic and co-curricula programs of the school.  There were many staff and students present to answer questions and I thank them all for their important role on the night.  Additionally, we have received some great feedback from families that attended.

The most recent school tours have been very well attended, continuing the trend of the amazing interest in the school from the community.  Families of grade 6 parents have now submitted their Year 7 2023 preference forms to their primary school and this information will be passed onto us in due course. We await to see how many students have selected Parkdale SC as the school of their choice.


Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

The Year 7-9 interviews were held on Thursday 28th April.  As per the senior student interviews at the end of Term One, these were virtual interviews using Webex as per 2021.  The decision to do this was based on the positive feedback we received from parents and staff with this format.  Parents were able to engage with their child’s teachers and discuss progress and listen to advice on how their child can take the next steps forward in their learning.  Importantly, on many occasions, the child was present through the interview giving their viewpoint and hearing the advice being given.  A great example of the three way communication which is important in the learning journey. I encourage keeping these lines of communication open throughout the year, not just at these formal occasions.



The annual NAPLAN program commenced on Tuesday 10th May for the Year 7 and Year 9 students.  As with all schools this is now an online process.  Students and staff have sat practice NAPLAN assessments in the lead up to the NAPLAN so they can familiarize themselves with the software and the type of questioning.  This is important as the questioning is now adaptive and after a specified number of questions, the next bracket of questions is determined by the number of correct responses in the initial question bank. My thanks to Mrs June Sainsbery Assistant Principal and Ms Helen Bardolph Junior School Admin Officer for their work in planning and implementing the assessment process.


Year 12 Formal

Another sign that life is moving towards pre COVID-19, was the successful holding of the Year 12 Formal. These events are important milestones in school life. It was terrific to see the Year 12 students all dressed up and having a great night with their friends and teaching staff.


Car Park/Parking

For safety reasons I remind parents that the car parks are not to be used as drop off and pick up areas for students. This has become increasingly important with the number of heavy vehicles accessing the loop round with deliveries etc for the construction works. Please organize with your child to be picked up/dropped off from other areas. When doing this, please be mindful of access to resident’s driveways when parking as we have been receiving complaints from neighbours that driveways are being blocked. This has reached the point where parents are actually waiting in the driveway.  I ask all parents to be considerate of the residents close to the school. 


U turns in Warren Road

I have observed a number of parents performing u turns in Warren Road outside the school during the drop off and pick up peak times.  This is a dangerous practice and I ask all parents, for the safety of the students and other road users, to not undertake this manoeuvre. 


Bike Helmets

Despite frequent requests to students, and the simple fact that it is the law that bicycle riders wear a helmet, I am still being contacted by concerned members of the community that students of the college are riding bicycles without helmets.  It has even got to the point where a student was seen riding along with the helmet dangling from the handle bars. 

The Assistant Principals and myself have been doing before school yard duty and have now had to impound bicycles on many occasions because the rider did not have a helmet.  It appears that some students arrive and leave school with the helmet on and remove it when they have left the vicinity of the college.  This is a dangerous practice and I will reiterate the fact that it is against the law.  We are only concerned for the safety of our students and again ask that all students wear their bike helmet, at all times, when riding.

A final reminder that we will impound bikes of students not wearing helmets.  Bikes will be secured and returned when the rider can show us their bike helmet.