From the Deputy Principal

The 40% rule

As we approach the end of the year it is easy for us to ease off, take a step back from what we are doing and possibly start to let things slide.  But, as I was reminded recently, even when we think we are giving our best, this is really only about 40% of that which we are capable!  It’s called the 40% rule, and it's relatively simple: when your mind is telling you that you're done, that you're exhausted, that you cannot possibly go any further, you're only actually 40% of the way there. The human mind is an amazing thing. It both propels us forward and holds us back. The 40% rule reminds us that even if we might feel ready to stop, it is always possible to draw on an untapped reserve of energy, motivation, and drive that we all possess.


At this time of the year, it’s important to remind our children (and ourselves, possibly) that we are not finished yet!  Let’s remind our children that they still need enthusiasm and motivation to continue the school year with energy.  Let’s focus on the little things that make the bigger things work: keeping a regular routine, preparing in advance, checking uniform and hair, ensuring we are completing tasks on time and making sure we are ready to learn.  We are nearly there!  And once the holidays arrive, make sure you enjoy some time with your children and may you experience the joy of a safe, happy and holy Christmas. 


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal