Principal's Message

Thursday 11th November - REMEMBRANCE DAY

This week we look forward to taking a focus as peace-makers in a spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude. Tomorrow each class will celebrate Remembrance Day with prayer, music and reflection. This year, Remembrance Day marks the Anniversary of the guns falling silent on the Western Front during the First World War; on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. 


On the 11th November each year we pause for one minute of silence to remember and praise all men and women who served our Country during wars and other conflicts, between and within nations, as well as in peacekeeping operations. During World Wars Australians faced enormous challenges and great adversity. More than a million Australians served during the World Wars and millions more contributed to the war effort on the home front. We remember and give thanks! 


Remembrance Day is always a timely reminder of our call to be makers of peace. Learning how to express our feelings on significant issues and seek to find peaceful solutions, where the human dignity of all people is respected is our challenge and opportunity. Learning how to compromise and negotiate is part of this endeavour and this begins at home, within the school and the community. Our Catholic faith teaches us well that we are called to: *Love God and *Love our Neighbour which summarises the ten commandments. The first three commandments are how to love God and the seven remaining commandments teach us how to love our neighbour.

Congratulations to Lina and Javier! Wishing you both a lifetime of faith, hope and love!

Roadmap Ahead

I am so proud of the wonderful effort that all the children are putting into being “back together again”. Each and everyday they are coming to school with a positive attitude, keen to learn and to be with their teachers and friends. Some of them have been reflecting that it has taken a bit of getting used to having set times for eating and playing, and to be waiting for their turn to do something. Others have shared that they are learning to get out of bed early enough in the morning to get dressed, have breakfast and then come to school on time and then at the end of the day they are feeling really tired. 


The government has again relaxed some of the restrictions related to schools. This is wonderful for our Kindergarten 2022 students who will now be able to attend an orientation session at the school. 


Our Year 6 students will also be able to enjoy the usual rights of passage afforded to the Year 6 graduating students of Galilee - Year 6 Assembly, Thanksgiving and Graduation Mass on Monday 13 December at 3:30pm. All are welcome!


As the term progresses I will keep you informed about any other changes that we are able to manage at school at the same time as making the health and safety of our students and staff the priority. 


Thank you for your ongoing cooperation, support and understanding that we are doing the best that we can to manage a different way of being back at school. 

Our Lockdown Arts Festival Stars

More than 900 Sydney Catholic Schools’ students, families and staff submitted entries to the Lockdown Arts Festival, showcasing their incredible creative talent. Among them was The Cormac Family in the Drama Group who won first place for a piece titled "I see red." 


What an oustanding video clip created by the Maher family, a very talented group!


To see their amazing work, visit 


Over the next 4 weeks on Fridays, we have secured volleyball sessions to introduce students to the game. The students will have a fun experience while learning new skills. Thank you Ms Carey for organising. 

Thank you

Thank you to Bianca Logan and Emily Ballinger for donating so many books to the school library and classrooms. We appreciate your kindness. 

School Hats 

At Galilee, the rule is No Hat, No Play. Students know that if they are not wearing their hat, they cannot play and will be required to sit at the undercroft.  Please make sure your child applies sunscreen each morning before he or she attends school. You may wish to send sunscreen in your child’s school bag for re-application before lunch or sport. Sunscreen is also available in the office. 


Anna Novak
