School Children 2022

Over your children's final weeks with us at Curiosity, a fine balance between school visits and bringing some special moments of closure at Curiosity will begin.  We understand that the children are feeling a little tired towards the end of the term and we wish for everyone to finish strong and well.  Please be mindful of your child's wellbeing by supporting them in accessing enough sleep and keeping them home if they are unwell.


Children who are attending School in 2022, will have their final transition visit on Monday the 6th of December.  Please take your child there and let us know if you need us to collect them afterwards.  It has been such a buzz of excitement as the children have come back from their visits. So brave, so confident, so mature and so amazing these children are.


Please note the starting date for Foundation children in 2022 is Monday 7 February.  If you need care for your child up until this day, you will need to contact 'imagination', Good Shepherds OSHC.  'imagination' opens as of January the 3rd, 2022.


If your child has medication onsite at Curiosity, this will be sent home on their last day.  For our record keeping, medical plans such as asthma will remain onsite.  Copies can be sent to the school on your request if within date.  Please remember that asthma, allergy and anaphylaxis plans must be updated yearly.