Student Wellbeing 

Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator

Hello. I am your Wellbeing Coordinator which is a new position starting this year. I have really enjoyed my first two weeks and have been impressed by the staff and student dedication to excellence. I spent last year as a Principal in a small remote East Arnhem Land (NT) indigenous community and four and a half years prior to that in a rural CARE school for disengaged and traumatised students. My father was a forester in SA and I grew up in small rural communities and attended Roseworthy Ag College, studying a Natural Resource Management degree. As an adult I have continued with this lifestyle on a small 40 acre hobby farm in SW WA over the last twenty years. 


The intention of the Wellbeing program is to enhance engagement and student success by assisting them towards their full academic and emotional potential. The College can now provide more dedicated staff to address student behaviour and wellbeing challenges. We now teach dedicated Health and Wellbeing classes, and are restructuring our Behaviour Management policy to strengthen the pastoral care options and provide enhanced emotional support when needed.


We are fortunate to have a talented and dedicated team supporting your students. Students are encouraged to raise concerns, ask advice or just check in with any of the staff at the College who can assist them to connect to the person who is best positioned to help them. I will also reach out to parents as required, and I encourage you to make contact with the College with any questions or concerns regarding your students Wellbeing. I’m looking forward to an excellent 2022.