From the Principal's Desk

School Closure Day: Staff Professional Learning
Please be reminded that, as advertised in the School Calendar, on Thursday 24th May there will be a School Closure Day: Staff Professional Development Day. Students do NOT attend school on this day.
Staff will be working with our Catholic Education Learning Consultant, Ainslie McIntosh to deepen understanding and knowledge of High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS). The HITS are 10 instructional practices that reliably increase student learning wherever they are applied. They emerge from the findings of tens of thousands of studies of what has worked in classrooms across Australia and the world. International experts such as John Hattie and Robert Marzano have synthesised these studies and ranked hundreds of teaching strategies by the contribution they make to student learning.
This will be a wonderful opportunity for staff to consolidate their learning drawing upon practices already embedded in our Teaching and Leaning culture at Corpus Christi School.
Library News
Thank you to the many families who have returned their library books and bags to the school. There are still a few bags and books to come back and so please return them by the end of this week so that we can begin the process of packing up the library in preparation for the building program.
Car Park and Service Road
Once again we need to remind all parents to take care when driving through the school car park. Please only park in the marked bays and do not double park or park behind vehicles. All drivers must obey the No Standing areas at all times.
Three point turns and u-turns are not to be attempted in the driveway.
Children are not permitted to walk to cars on their own so parents are expected to collect their children from classrooms or at the front and rear entrances to the school. We all need to work together to keep all the children in our school community safe.
It has come to our attention that we also need to remind all families that the service road in front of our school is a ONE WAY road. Drivers are not permitted to enter the service road from the Geelong Road and Ormond Road intersection. We remind all drivers to obey the NO ENTRY sign at that intersection. Please keep in mind the safety of all members of our school community.
Thank you
On behalf of all the staff, I wish to thank everyone who has expressed their concern and support this week. Your good wishes, prayers and support are gratefully accepted by us all.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Jane Wilkinson
(Acting Principal)