
Leadership plays an important role in every aspect of a student’s life

Leadership plays an important role in every aspect of a student’s life. Students go through many stages in life for where they need leadership skills. In modern world, students are facing many changes: career challenges, employment problems and rapidly evolving technology. Leadership skills enable students to accept challenges and solve problems. Student leadership at KWS is driven by service to others which is a value highly respected in our whole school community. Students are encouraged to reflect on the School motto – Knowledge, Friendship, Integrity. Formal leadership roles carry significant responsibility and students who accept these roles make a commitment to be fully involved in the positive life of the School and to adhere to high expectations in their actions and interactions.

During Term 3 in the Senior School, the process of electing many of our formal leadership team has occurred: the Prefect Team, SRC Leaders, Cadet Leaders, Music Captains, Boarding and Tutor House Leaders. During Term 4, Summer Sport Captains will be elected and currently our Year 10 students are undergoing Peer Support training with Peer Support Leaders being elected after this.  However, leadership has nothing to do with a badge or a title, but everything to do with what our students can do to inspire change and add value. You do not need a badge to be a leader at KWS – many upstanding students who do not fill leadership positions also uphold the School’s core motto. Being a positive role model, upholding the School’s values, positively influencing and enabling others, and initiating change are the driving forces for our student leaders.

One of the most disconcerting phrases in todays’ rapidly changing world is “we’ve always done it this way”.  As educators, it is important to always look for opportunities for improvement. This year the Wellbeing Team made the decision to discontinue the appointment of badged Vice-Captain Positions in Tutor Houses. This decision was made as the Team felt that the focus should be on developing every student in the Year 12 Tutor group as a Leader. Traditionally each Tutor House has had a male and female Captain, but this year one of the Tutor Houses will have two female House Captains. The two elected students were the standout candidates, selected by both the students and teaching cohort. I look forward to working not only with the elected leaders but with all students to develop leadership skills as they move into adulthood.


Mrs Emma Bylsma 

Head of Wellbeing