Learning in M26

Middle School M26 Pope/Salt-Watson is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Each term in M26, the students write a piece about a season.

Term one focused on Summer and in Term two we focused on Autumn.


Through the ‘Seasons’ writing, the students are explicitly taught to use figurative language, when to use a new paragraph and sentence structure.



Since Term one, it has been very clear to see the improvement of the student’s writing abilities!

Here are some samples from the writing pieces, all about Autumn...

"Crunch, crunch, crunch. Yay, it’s Autumn."



"Dancing leaves turn crunchy and turn ombre, fading into different colours." 



"Autumn is a time for all of the leaves to fall. Sometimes it is way too windy."



"Eggs, eggs, eggs. When Easter is here, Autumn is here."



"On Mother’s Day we spoil all of the mothers, that includes grandmas too."



"Do you like Autumn? It is cooler than summer and the trees change by losing their leaves."



"The leaves change to many beautiful colours like red, orange, dark purple and brown when they used to be green."



"Did you know that on the other side of the world they call Autumn fall?" 



"Crunch, crunch, crunch. Jumping in the Autumn leaves is very satisfying." 



"When the leaves change colour they fall off the trees and float towards the ground."



"Did you know that some leaves don’t change colour? These trees are called Evergreens."



"Autumn is a season when the Easter Bunny comes and gives you candy."



"At the footy there is a special ANZAC Day match in which the soldiers play trumpets and light a fire. It is a traditional match of Collingwood vs Essendon and many people go to the game or watch it on television."



"During Autumn the AFL starts and when the AFL starts and my mum yells and says “c’mon Cats.”



"In Autumn, the trees lose their leaves and the animals are preparing to hibernate."



"It is foggy and cold outside. You can breathe smoke, it is not smoke though, it is just steam."



"Autumn’s leaves are very fascinating, how they change colours. They change from green to colours like pink, dark purple, red, yellow, orange, brown and a peachy tan."



"When we celebrate Easter we get to have Easter Egg hunts and eat chocolate."



"The mornings in Autumn are foggy and cold."



"In Autumn we celebrate Mother’s Day. All Mums get a present. It is a day to make sure that mums, nannies and grandmas are happy." 



"I enjoy playing and jumping in the piles of leaves. We have lots of fun doing this because they crunch down under our feet."



"Shiver, shiver. It is so cold today. It can be foggy in the morning and sometimes it is so foggy you can't see where you are going because it is so foggy."



"The weather is colder in the morning and can be windy. Sometimes you need jumpers, scarves, beanies and gloves in the morning." 



"Crackle, crinkle. The foil from the chocolate eggs is being ripped off. Autumn is here which means Easter is coming too." 



"There are so many things to do in Autumn, build a leaf pile and play with your friends and animals."
