OSHClub News

Welcome back for term 3 and a big welcome to all our families.


We hope you all had a lovely break and are feeling fresh. Please check our newsletter fortnightly for our up and coming activities and any special notices.


Please ensure all children needing to use the service this term are enrolled and booked in using the online booking system. For any children with medical conditions, please come and see us before your first visit to ensure all necessary documents are completed and medication is dropped off before your child's first session. 


Remember: if your child is at school before 08:30am, they will need to be attending our BSC.


Vacation Care

WOW, what fun was had over the 2 weeks.


An excursion to Kemizo was great fun with a lot of children learning to skate for the first time. Thankfully there were no injuries - although just tired legs and arms from hanging on to the side of the rink. Some great talent including speed and balance was displayed by 3 siblings. Laser Tag was also a favourite in between skates on and off.


Jump Crazy had everyone bouncing around including the educators as we all had a blast at Pakenham Jump Crazy Trampoline Centre.


Beautiful Terrariums created by the children to take home looked fantastic and a silent disco was fun to watch as children danced away with their headphones on (No sound was heard) unless you wore headphones.


This term we are sticking with our theme selection throughout the week:

Monday - Dance

Tuesday - Athletic Challenges

Wednesday - Cooking Class

Thursday - Science Experiment

Friday - Music Lessons


Important Notices

OSHClub would like to welcome Shrima and Chelsea.


Shrima has previously coordinated an after-school care program and will bring great experience and knowledge to OSHClub.  Shrima has a daughter who attends Pakenham Springs Primary School, so she is familiar with the school and staff.


Chelsea is our other permanent staff member at OSCH and has completed her Diploma of Counselling.  Both ladies are excited to get to know the children and families at OSCHClub so please welcome them.


Please ensure that your account details are up to date.  It is a requirement that there are 3 contact details on your account in case of an emergency.  If you have changed employment, moved to a new house or changed phone numbers, it is very important that these details are up to date.


It would also be much appreciated if your child is not going to be attending After School Care, that you send a text to the service mobile - 0438 564 038.  This saves a lot of time when signing the children in the afternoon and means that we do not have to go through the process of contacting families or in the event of not being able to contact you.


Program's Direct Contact Number: 0438 564 038    OSHClub Head Office: 1300 395 735

Program Coordinator: Deb     Program Assistant: Shrima