Year 11 - 12

Psychology in action
Year 11 Psychology students have been spending the term exploring the five senses and how they use sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing to make sense of the world around them. In this experiment, students discovered how important peripheral vision is to them. They created ‘goggles’ that limited their sight by removing their peripheral vision. Then the fun began as two teams tried to play each other in a game of soccer.
Year 12 Focus Day - Leading their learning
We are so proud of our Year 12 students who made the choice to attend additional classes during April on a student free day. It demonstrates their maturity and ownership of learning.
Year 12 Melbourne Camp
The Yr 12’s attended a three-day camp to Melbourne in Week 2 of Term 2.
The first day of the camp consisted of a trip to Deakin University in which students received a tour of the campus, a sessionabout the university’s courses, scholarship opportunities, and prerequisites. They also had the chance to meet and talk to CSC alumni currently attending the university. This was an insightful experience that allowed the students to get a feel for university life and understand the breadth of courses on offer for potential students. The students also toured the TAFE Holmesglen Institute in the afternoon which provided an amazing insight into the wide variety of subjects available to be studied including floristry, construction, and fitness training. The Institute was brilliant, the staff were very engaging and exemplified another fantastic option for further education. That evening, the students went to the Europa Night Market at Queen Victoria Market. Students had a great time participating in the silent disco, sampling traditional food from all corners of Europe and experiencing city life.
The second day consisted of the scavenger hunt in which four teams of 5-6 each set out with maps and quests to follow and complete. After 3 hours, the four teams returned, with stories of fake accents and sushi challenges to tell. It was then time for shopping, where groups and friends set out in the city to find lunch and a bargain. From shoes to x-box controllers, jewelry to massages, each student and adult returned ready for a nap. From the three hours of a race against time, with an added four hours of shopping till we were dropping, the day was almost over, and everybody was ready to return to the hostel for a short rest before we set out for the King-Pin Bowling and an hour at the arcade. Dinner at Crown came afterward, with a lovely evening stroll from Crown back to our accommodation via the ice-cream stand and the Yarra River. Everyone was quick to return to their rooms with minimal chatter, and lights out did not quite require the persistence from teachers as it had the night before.
On the third day, the students went off to The Age Careers Expo where some relished in the free gifts and some spent time visiting the seminars. Many meet the army dog Wilba, some played games and others mainly went for the food. There were many exciting and new things to learn at the expo, majority caught a glimpse of where they wanted to go for their future, some already knew, however, some choose pathways they never thought they’d choose. With many different universities and TAFE's to discover, everything brought a new and exciting thing to the table. Some of the students realised their dreams weren’t going to come true just 3 hours away at Vic Uni but however their dreams were going to come true 7 hours away at ANU in Canberra. The expo opened the eyes of all the students, we never knew how overwhelming the world was outside of school. Overall it was such a blast, students bonded with teachers and we all learned new and interesting things about one another.