Year 10

Our Year 10 ADVANCE students commenced their CFA program with an induction session at the Cobram CFA. This is the 9th year of our partnership with the local CFA. We are so proud of our College's strong community partnerships and grateful for their on-going support.
Hands on training begins
Friday, May 24th saw the arrival of 3 fire trucks from Yarroweyah, Boosey, and Katamatite, with their crew. These volunteers came to give our ADVANCE students instructions about the trucks and equipment on board. Each truck has differences due to their age and the students become familiar with each one.
Out with the hoses
On Friday 31st, May, the ADVANCE team had their first instruction and practice with water and hoses today. Everyone loved the experience and looking forward to building their skills.
Year 10 Photography students used the dark room to photograph light paintings. They used pieces of coloured perspex attached to torches to create these amazing images.