Student Management

Updated student management processes
Our Student Engagement and Connectedness team, along with the whole staff at Cobram Secondary College, have been reviewing and updating a range of student management processes, which are outlined below.
Out of uniform:
If a student is out of uniform, they are to bring a note to explain why they are out of uniform and present to their Illuminate teacher who will write them a uniform pass for the day. If a student is out of uniform without a note they are expected to attend the out of uniform detention that day in the Senior Study Centre.
If a student fails to attend this detention they will receive one strike. When a student reaches three strikes a phone call or email will be provided to the parent. When a student reaches five strikes they will receive a one-day suspension.
If parents wish to monitor their students uniform records these are visible on Compass to both parents and students. The College’s uniform policy, outlining the required uniform is available on the College website.
** Please be aware that notes are not accepted for piercings **
Eligibility for camps, excursions and extra-curricular activities:
Camps, excursions and extra-curricular activities are a great opportunity for students to engage in our local community, develop their interpersonal skills and knowledge, as well as widen their understanding of opportunities that exist in the future. These opportunities are also a privilege for our students and should be a reward for positive behaviour and academic engagement.
On a weekly basis student’s behaviour and academic progress is monitored by the Student Engagement Team. Any student who has received an average of three or less behaviour and academic records per week for the term will be permitted to attend camps, excursions and extra-curricular events. Any student who has received an average of three or more behaviour and academic records per week for the term will not be permitted to attend camps, excursions and extra-curricular events. A plan will be put into place to help the student engage positively at the College. Any student who has received a suspension in the term will not be permitted to attend any camps, excursions or extra-curricular events. Please note that each term this process resets so a student has the opportunity to correct their mistakes.
Major and minor behaviours/classroom management procedures:
Listed below is a copy of our updated classroom management procedures that are placed in every classroom across the College and outline our expected behaviours. These behaviours have been discussed with students at every year level during sub-school assemblies.