ANZAC Day Commemortation Assembly
It was a lovely ANZAC Commemoration at our school assembly on April 24th, lead by our School Captains; Mitchell, Ellie, Tristan and Alannah. Principal, Kimberley Tempest, gave us an insight of her family involvement in the war and Noah played the Last Post and reveille on the bugle. We were also fortunate to be joined by our special guest from the Department of Education, Wendy Larcombe (Senior Education Improvement Leader)
We wanted to share Wendy's feedback.
Hello Kimberley (and Cobram SC staff and students)
Over the course of my 30 odd years in education, I have attended countless assemblies and special events. These offer a window into the culture of a school and to how it lives its values. Today's ANZAC commemoration was a very respectful and appropriate example of this, proof of high expectations held and me by the whole school community. Congratulations to you, the student leaders, staff and student body for the way they all conducted themselves during the assembly. Special congratulations to the student bugler, Noah Fraser for the very moving playing of the Last Post and Reveille. It was a privilege and a pleasure to be part of the occasion.
Anzac Day Dawn Service and March
Many of our students joined us at either the Dawn Service or the Cobram ANZAC Day March. Again our students represented our school with respect and pride. Our School Captains, Ellie and Mitchell, spoke at the ceremony whilst our Vice School Captains, Alannah and Tristan, laid the wreath and spoke during the ceremony at the cenotaph.