Level Low Downs


Recently the Prep students have loved experimenting with BeeBots and Mouse-Bots. They have worked in small groups, giving each other challenges to practise simple coding skills.  Each student had to move their robot from a starting position to find the lost teddy! 

Year One

The Year One students are all getting ready for Christmas, including making their own amazing wrapping paper.

Year Two

During Investigations this term, the Year 2 students have explored the following Health related question:

How can we promote a sense of belonging in our community?

Our lines of inquiry have related to social health and the students have worked on projects in writing, maths, digital technology, sensory and visual arts learning centres. Yesterday we had a sharing session across Year 2, to showcase the student's projects and for the students to reflect on what they have achieved over the term. 

Year Three

Year 3s have been busily working on their Health Inquiry Projects. Storyboards, scripts and rehearsing happening with great excitement in the quest to produce an advertisement to promote healthy eating. Some groups have even begun videoing. Students who have presented their learning to their parents have reported back to class how proud they were made to feel and what a positive experience it was for them. What a wonderfully resilient group of students we have! We are so proud of them all. Year 3 teachers wish all our families a wonderful Christmas and hope you all have lots of wonderful things to look forward to in 2021.

Year Four

The students had a great afternoon on Monday watching and being part of the Carp Productions Christmas Performance. We are all so excited for Christmas! 

Year Five

The Year 5’s have been busy preparing for their transition into Year 6 and becoming the leaders of BPS for 2021. They should all be very proud of their leadership applications and the amount of effort they having been putting into their buddy books. This week they participated in a REACH workshop, which was all about team building and showing respect for one another. They are currently participating in the lifesaving program, which is sure to be a highlight. 

Year Six

The Year 6's were very busy running their market stalls.  We are very sure many Christmas present were purchased today.  Well done everyone.