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First day of 2021 for Years 1-12

What a wonderful start to 2021 our students have enjoyed! Our Year 7 students have settled in well to their new high school routines and we have welcomed 25 new students to our 'NCS family'. Here are some photos of students on their first day of 2021. Enjoy!


Mrs Stewart receives a Shoalhaven Australia Day Award

Congratulations to our Visual Arts Teacher, Mrs Stewart on receiving an Australia Day Award for her 'outstanding contribution to innovating arts and culture' in the Shoalhaven. 


Mrs Stewart is deeply committed to nurturing her students' passion for art and has been a teacher for six years. She also holds the position of Year Advisor, as well as the Indigenous Education Coordinator at our school. 


Outside of the school environment, Mrs Stewart is a Drama teacher with Nowra Players Theatre Group and also the President of the Shoalhaven Arts Society, a volunteer position to which she has generously given a great deal of her personal time to help keep the Arts alive within the Shoalhaven region. 


She has also volunteered her time as an Artistic Director supporting local productions and contributing to successful community events.


 You can watch the award presentation here:


Well done Mrs Stewart! A most deserving award for a hardworking, dedicated and passionate individual, we are very proud of you!

Introducing the theme for 2021 - 'God's Big Rescue'

In 2021, our school will work through the whole Bible with the theme of ‘God’s Big Rescue’. Over the year, we will learn that God created and sustains a world which fell into rebellion against Him. But God has not abandoned His creation; rather God has sought throughout history to rescue His people and bring them into His kingdom. This rescue is ultimately achieved through Jesus who died on the cross to rescue us from sin and death, and came back from death in victory and now brings people from everywhere into God’s family. God has begun this story of restoration and will bring it to completion in the future. We will see in devotions and assemblies throughout the year this story of God’s Big Rescue which our world still needs to hear today.

Our student leadership team for 2021