So Long Farewell

Like the song says, 'Wow Oh Wow!' What a year 2020 has been!  As we bring 2020 to a close, we wanted to say our final farewell to you, the Curiosity Community.

As we celebrated end of year events at school, the phrase, 'God with Us' came through strong in acknowledgment that 'Emmanuel' is with us.  Emmanuel was a name given to Jesus and it means 'God with us'.  Jesus' birth was and still is, an expression of God's love extended to us, which we celebrate at Christmas time.  As we 'wrap up' 2020, we pray that you experience the extension of God's love for you and on your family.

We say 'so long farewell' but not forever as you will always remain part of our Curiosity ELC community.


Blessings to you all this Christmas Season.

With love and appreciation for a wonderful year together!

The Curiosity Team 2020 x