Parent/Carer Webinar
How to Help Get (And Keep) Your Child Motivated
- Wednesday 2 August
- 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation.
By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school:
Here’s what Elevate will be covering on the night:
✅ What impact does praise and reassurance have on your child’s motivation?
✅ What are the best type of goals to be setting with your child?
✅ How can you help your child create meaningful and lasting motivation?
Online Safety – A Guide for Parents and Carers
Learn about the latest games, apps and social media, including how to protect your information and report harmful content.
You can also find a list of important services that can offer extra support.
This guide covers some of the key online safety issues for young people and includes a range of practical tips and advice on what to do if things go wrong.
Student Absences - Reminder
When your child is marked ABSENT without prior parent approval (before 10.45 am), you will receive an SMS message containing an attendance link.
Please follow the link, to approve and explain your child's absence that will automatically then update Compass.
Student Mobile Phones
Student mobile phones must be kept locked in lockers at all times throughout the school day.
A Principal After School Detention will apply for any student using their mobile phone whilst at school.
Parents and Carers, if you need to contact your child throughout the day, please contact the Sub School Offices and a message will be forwarded to your child.
Car Park - Melba Ave
For safety, students are not to be dropped off in the Melba Avenue Staff car park. This a parking facility only.
The STADIUM car park is designated for student drop off and collection.
School Office Hours
Office Hours - 8.15 am to 4.15 pm
Phone - 9735 5644
Email -
Website -
The school welcomes contact with parents/carers and other members of the community.
In order to ensure that you are able to see the relevant staff member promptly when coming to the school, visitors are urged to make an appointment first.