Term 3
Welcome everyone, Term 3 is already upon us and as always, we have a great deal happening across the school....
Awards Assemblies
Congratulations to those students who were awarded for their academic efforts over the past semester. We are super proud of your achievements and look forward to the Semester 2 Awards where we know there will be more recipients.
All year level assemblies have now been completed, thank you to parents/carers who were able to attend.
The 7R's
Calm and Orderly Classrooms
To ensure our classrooms are calm and orderly for the best teaching and learning to take place, we have introduced a system called the 7 R’s.
Whilst we know that excellent teaching and learning is all about two way positive and respectful relationships, there are times when students need to be reminded about the importance of a safe and supported classroom.
The 7 R's is fundamentally a warning system to redirect students back to the learning if they are off task and to address any inappropriate behaviours.
The steps are as follows:
- Remind - students that they need to focus
- Reiterate - that students need to be on task
- Redirect - back to the learning
- Record - name is placed on the board
- Relocate - student is sent out of class to the Year Level Office to be relocated to another class
- Ring - parents/carers are contacted by the relocating teacher
- Restore - following the relocation process a restorative conversation takes place between class teacher and student to ensure positive learning can recommence
Teachers and students have all been introduced to this process during the first few weeks of Term 3 and so far, we are seeing some positive results.
Student Leadership Team
It is timely to again introduce everyone to the Student Leadership Team for 2023, with a special welcome to our Year 7 Captains and Vice Captains.
School Captains
Ky H and Kristy M
Year 12
Caitlin A and Chloe C
Year 11
Olivia B and Indii P (Captains)
Noah V and Charlie R (Vice Captains)
Year 10
Taylah M-G and Jacob B (Captains)
Dylan N and Ashley D (Vice Captains)
Year 9
Alannah P and Niina L (Captains)
James L and Luci J-A (Vice Captains)
Year 8
York N and Layla W (Captains)
Olivier P and Abbey W (Vice Captains)
Year 7
Ebony P and Zach W (Captains)
Sigourney C and Dylan G (Vice Captains)
English Captains
Rose C and Siobhan P
Mathematics Captains
Erin A and Breeana L
Science Captains
Jaden D and Alissa C
Languages Captains
Alyssa B and Lauren B
Technology Captains
Tim G and Laura B
Humanities Captains
Hayley B and Malia D
Visual Arts Captains
Emily M and Beau H
Performing Arts Captains
Stacey P and Shannon R
LHS Band Captain
Erin A
Junior Stage Band Captain
Evie N
Health and Wellbeing Week
The Student Representative Council have organised a school-wide Health and Wellbeing week in August.
There are lots of healthy and positive activities that will be on offer, we look forward to the week beginning with a whole school picnic on Monday August 14.
Book Week
This year we are going to have a big celebration during Book Week including a day where we ask everyone to dress up as a favourite character from a book they have read (similar to our primary school colleagues).
We encourage everyone to start planning their costumes and get involved in the activities.
Course Selection - Planning for 2024
Planning for 2024 is well underway, the course selections from students in Year 8 to 11 were due last Monday 24 July at 3 pm, at that time we had the majority submitted.
If any student will be exiting at the end of 2023, please let us know asap.
Wendy Powson