P & F
Parents & Friends Announcements
P & F
Parents & Friends Announcements
Preparations are well underway for our Parents Night Out for 2023.
Watch this space for more details but be sure to lock the babysitters in and keep this date free.
It is set to be a super fun night!
Ladies Race Day, Saturday 11th November 2023.
Following some really great interest and to ensure we can include as many people as possible, we are moving our ladies' Race Day.
Our Ladies Day Out will now be locally in Gisborne on Saturday 11th November, fancy frocks and headpieces remain our theme of the day.
Further details will come as we have them confirmed.
It is sure to be a fabulous day out so be sure to SAVE THE DATE!
Your P&F team are so excited to be bringing The Colour Run back to St Brigid’s later this year.
More details to come.
If you have any fundraiser ideas to assist us in reaching this goal OR any other ways you think we can support our school please reach out at any time : pfa@sbgisborne.catholic.edu.au