From the Principal

Shannon Correll

PLEASE GET THE ADVERTISER TOMORROW  - 5th August - our school has an article in the paper.

 To our wonderful school community,


We have had a wonderful start to our school year with a number of new students and their families joining our community as well as some siblings joining us too.  We welcome you to our community and trust that you love being at St Brigid's School, as much as we love having you here.   



Changes to parking on Way Street!

Please be aware that you are no longer able to park on Way Street opposite the school (North Side)to pick up your child/ren. This is now a NO Standing zone. The council will fine you if you park on that side. We will also not be walking children to cars who are not following the road rules.  This keeps both our students and staff safe.  Please collect your child at the front of the school on the south side of Way Street.

Please also remember to use the crossing... this is to keep you and your child safe.


Congratulations to all our Year 3 & 5 students who sat the test.  A special thank you to our teachers who have looked closely at our testing data over the last three years and adjusted teaching practices to achieve such excellent results.




Each year we run a survey to get parent feedback about our school.  Sadly, only about a dozen families respond to the survey.  This survey helps us keep track of what we have been doing and helps us plan for what we should do in the future.  This is your chance to share your thoughts.  

Parents go to…

and enter the code SBKLLLP


Mrs Correll on Leave

Later this term from the 24th of August, I will be taking Renewal leave and travelling to the Catholic University in Leuven -Belgium. I will be involved in studying an intensive Master's Level Theological course with a number of other Principals and APRIM from Australia and New Zealand. I will return at the beginning of Term 4. During my absence, Mrs Paula Burns will be the Acting Principal.


In Peace Love and Learning,

Shannon Correll
