Principal's Page

Jo Flynn

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope you have all had an enjoyable break from school routines and are ready for a busy Term 3. 

Today, July 26, is a day to celebrate Grandparents. It is the feast day of St Anne and St Joachim, the parents of Mary. As the grandparents of Jesus, Saints Anne and Joachim are considered the patron saints of grandparents.

Let us Pray:

God of love,

We thank you for our wonderful grandparents.

They bring such joy and happiness into our lives.

Thank you for all the special times that we have with them.

Please watch over them, protect them and care for them now.

May they know your goodness and love always.



NSW Primary Schools Chess Tournament

Today we are very excited as we are hosting day one of our local Orange Zone Primary Schools'  Chess Tournament!  We have over a 160 students from 11 different schools in Kenna Hall, from all over the Orange district. They are competing against each other and enjoying every minute!  A huge 'thank you' to Mrs Ann Brown for coordinating and running this day.  Mrs Brown looks after our Chess Club and supervises sessions each Thursday at lunchtime.  Chess Club is open to any of our students who would like to play.  Many of these students are competing today in their first Chess tournament!  Tomorrow the competition will move to Orange Christian School for the next round.  We wish all students well and hope they have a wonderful experience over these two days!


Next week, Year 5 will be participating in our first debating competition this year. I will keep you informed on how we go.


Parking around the school

As you are aware, it is very difficult to park in the streets around the school with many people and few spaces available. Please be considerate of our neighbours and remember not to park across driveways.


I hope you have a wonderful fortnight,

Warm regards,

Jo Flynn