Breakfast Club and Lunchtime Activities

Breakfast Club
A new smell fills the air of Kambrya College in the mornings. Every Tuesday and Thursday, staff and students alike are treated to the aroma of an Australian classic breaky, toasted sandwiches, or as they’re actually called, toasties. The selfless and heroic aides and additional staff of Kambrya College have volunteered their time to make sure that the bellies of all in our community don’t go empty. At the windows of the VET Kitchen, every Tuesday and Thursday morning, from 8am-8:30am, breakfast club offers toasties completely free of charge with both cheese and ham & cheese, as well as gluten free options. For their kindness and dedication to their community, we pay special thanks to the following people: Carolyn, Jackie, Carlene, Shirley, Rashni, Lynda, Darcy, Jorja, Kelly and Helen.
by Jesse Barnett, Year 10
I really like breakfast club as there are many nice staff that make warm toasties for people who want one. I have tried them, and they are good, especially on cold days. I also think that it is nice that they give them out for free, as not many people eat in the morning, and they usually do not have money on them to buy something to fill their stomachs.
by Ajit Sran, W7S