Performing Arts News

Production | Schools on Stage – Performance Event at Bunjil Place
T3 Wk10 | Thursday 14th Sep
Involved students will be provided with details in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more details regarding ticketing and show info.
MDP – Studio Concert | Term 3
T3 Wk10 | Tuesday 12 September - 5:00pm / 6:10pm / 7:20pm
Opt in event for MDP students in consultation with instrumental teachers.
MPD – Year 11 Unit 2 | Recital Evening
T4 Wk1 | Thursday 5 October - 5:00pm
Evening of Excellence – Showcase of The Arts / Term 4
T4 Wk4 | Tuesday 24th October | Evening concert and Gallery – Times TBA
MDP – Semester 2 Ensemble Concert | Term 4
T4Wk9 | Thursday 30th November – 6:00pm | Berwick Church of Christ
All MDP ensemble students required. All parents, friends and staff welcome.
MDP – Studio Concert | Term 4
T4 Wk10 | Tuesday 5th December – 5:00pm / 6:10pm / 7:20pm
This seems like a long time away, but it’ll be here before we know it! We can now confirm that our semester 2 ensemble concert will be held at the Berwick Church of Christ on Thursday November 30th (Week 9 of Term 4). Yes, we’re moving off site due to how big our Musician Development Program is getting! This is exciting for us all and I’m looking forward to showcasing our ensembles once again in this new environment. More details to come for this later in the year but please pencil in the date as this is a compulsory performance for all MDP ensemble members. Year 12s will be invited to return to join their music family one more time for this concert. All parents, friends and staff are welcome!
Please also be sure to check out other important MDP dates above.
Adrian Violi
Director of Music / MDP Coordinator