
Snr School Netball and Year 7 & 8 Table Tennis

Senior School Netball

Netball fever took over Senior School in week 4 of Term 3 as the students and staff aspired to be as great as the Diamonds in the Netball World Cup.


Each year level had the chance to take on a staff team at lunchtime, with each game pulling large crowds to cheer the players on. There were amazing displays of athleticism and sportsmanship by everyone involved and we are proud to say the staff walked away undefeated from all three matches!

The students had one final opportunity to redeem themselves in the Senior School All-Star Netball Final held on Thursday 24th August. Students from Year 10, 11, and 12 combined to form an All-Star team that certainly gave the teachers a run for their money! Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who you ask!), the teachers came away with a 13-11 win in the final. Fantastic work by our students and a big thank you to everyone that came down to cheer their peers on!


Senior School Leadership Team

Year 7 & 8 Girls and Boys Table Tennis

The year 7 girls and boys teams both won their division and are through to regionals.


The year 8 boys were runners up in their division.



Overall a successful day out for table tennis. 😁


Mr Sheriden Watt