NAPLAN Information 

Celebrating Excellence and Learning Growth - Year 9 NAPLAN Certificate

The Victorian Government has decided to present Certificates of Achievement to Year 9 students with outstanding results, and today, we were thrilled to celebrate the achievements of Year 9 students through the presentation of these awards (thanks to Yom S, who is in Year 8 for taking these photos).

From a cohort of 105 Year 9 students, 56 achieved a score of 'exceeding' in at least one area, placing them in the top band of the NAPLAN results. 


The Year 9 NAPLAN certificates are awarded in two categories of achievement. The first category recognizes excellence, acknowledging students who achieved a result in the top band for Reading or Numeracy, or both. The second category celebrates outstanding learning growth, acknowledging those students who demonstrated a remarkable improvement of two or more bands between their NAPLAN Year 7 and Year 9 tests. Learning growth is a key aspect of education, and we are proud to measure and recognise the progress each student has made. 


We send our warmest Congratulations to all the deserving recipients of the Year 9 NAPLAN Certificates of Achievement. Your hard work, dedication and commitment to learning are commendable. We believe that celebrating both excellence and learning growth encourages students to strive for greatness and continuously improve their skills.


Let us continue to support and inspire all our students on their educational journey, empowering them to achieve their goals and become lifelong learners.

NAPLAN: A Snapshot of Your Child’s Progress

This week Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students NAPLAN assessment have been sent home with them in their school bag. We kindly request that you take extra care to keep this assessment safe.  It is an original copy and serves as a record of your child’s academic performance. Keeping it in good condition will ensure its accuracy and usefulness for future reference.


Please take the time to review the assessment with your child, celebrating their achievements and identifying areas where they may benefit from further support or practice.  It provides valuable insights into their academic strengths and areas that may need improvement.


Please be aware that this year, the scale has changed from bands and numbers to descriptors:

  • Exceeding
  • Strong
  • Developing
  • Needs Attention

There is a document included with the results that outlines what these mean and why they have been changed. As with previous years, there is a ‘dot’ that indicates student’s precise achievement in the different tests. 


It is important to note that the NAPLAN results are a picture of a student on a given day which may or may not reflect accurately, what a student can achieve in a class with peers and teachers, and this is particularly the case for students who are anxious around what they view to be high stakes assessment.


If you have any questions or concerns about the NAPLAN assessment or your child’s performance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Tracy Williams 

Head of Learning P-12