Junior School

Welcome back to Term Three. I hope you all had a very happy break where you had the opportunity to spend time with your son. The boys are enthusiastic to return to school, and it is heartening to hear their tales of holidays been.   


Please note a gentle reminder to label all items of clothing.  We have an abundance of lost property in the Junior School Library without names.


All our Year Six boys will be a part of Service Learning and Evangelisation whereby they attend Shopfront to learn about the organisation, what role it plays for those who are marginalised, and how we can support both Shopfront and those who are in need. Mr Quin’s class went to Shopfront on Thursday as a part of their Service Learning and Evangelisation program, where the boys were engaged and had insightful questions.Thank you to our Junior School staff for providing the rich learning experiences for our boys.


The Brother Gerry Faulkner Award for Writers and Illustrators, 2023 is open for our Junior School boys. Entries may be a fictional short story, novel chapter, picture book, graphic novel, poetry or verse. Students may submit individual or group entries. Entries must be original work and editing done by the author. Submissions cannot be work from a school assessment. Entries are to be submitted to the Junior or Senior School Libraries; entries close Friday, 28 July (week 3.2). Please encourage your sons to submit an entry as we have very capable authors.


Ms Jasmin Kenworthy

Head of Junior School

Millenium Kids Collaboration

On Tuesday, Year 4 students worked as a cohort with Cat from Millenium Kids to engage in a youth voice and engagement session/sustainability conference, where we excited the students about having an opinion. This work maps directly to the sustainable schools initiative and the Curriculum’s Cross-curricular sustainability priority. After having heard the brilliant ideas from our boys, we are now mapping their ideas directly to the science curriculum. 


This was the first lesson in the unit of work about sustainability and the positive impact we can have on our world. Students will investigate this topic for the rest of the year, work to discover the global sustainability goals, and recognise global, national and local issues of importance. Students will work in teams to create solutions to local problems of significance and pitch these ideas to an audience beyond our classroom. There are grants available for the boys to realise their ideas. 


In due course, we will visit Perth Zoo as part of the program to identify local migratory birds and how we can encourage these birds to live and breed in the areas around our school. We will also engage in a tree planting day later in the year as we learn about our carbon footprint and how we can reduce the greenhouse effect through planting trees. 


Ms Johanna Stalley

Junior School Teacher | Science Specialist