Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr

In our Prayers

We pray for any in our community suffering in seen and unseen ways.


We pray for our Year 12 Marist Students recently involved in an accident, their families and all who have been affected by this tragedy. 


We pray for the repose of the soul of Fr Michael Mullins SM, Old Boy of the College (1951-1956)


Let us remember that when we feel sorrow and pain we are not alone.


As we celebrate NAIDOC week, we take this time to honour and recognise the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We are thankful for the rich diversity and wisdom they bring to our nation.


During this week, we pray for unity and reconciliation among all Australians and that we may work together to build a future of understanding, respect, and equality. Help us to listen and learn from the stories and experiences of our Indigenous brothers and sisters, so that we may foster genuine relationships and walk alongside them in their journey towards healing and justice.


We ask for your guidance and strength for Indigenous communities, as they continue the important work of preserving their languages, cultures, and traditions. Grant them wisdom, resilience, and hope, as they navigate the challenges faced as they strive for self-determination and empowerment.


We lift up the young Indigenous generation, who are the future leaders and custodians of their cultures. May they be encouraged and inspired to embrace their heritage, and may their dreams and aspirations be nurtured and supported by their communities and the wider society.


We pray for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have been affected by injustice and inequality. May they find solace and healing, and may their voices be heard and respected.


We continue to commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation. Help us to challenge prejudice and discrimination, and to actively contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society. Give us the courage to stand up against injustice and to advocate for change.


Finally, we are thankful for the blessings that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have brought and continue to bring to our nation. May we always appreciate and honor the land, culture, and traditions that have been entrusted to us.


Let us Seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary as we pray for Joe-

Remember, O most loving Virgin Mary that never was it known in any age, that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession was abandoned, inspired with confidence therefore, we fly to you, o virgin, of virgin’s our mother, to you do we come, before you we stand sinful and sorrowful. Do not o, mother of the word incarnate, despise our prayers, but graciously here and grant them. Amen.


Mary Our Good Mother,              pray for us.

St Marcellin Champagnat,          pray for us.

St Mary of the Cross,                    pray for us.

And let us always remember      to pray for one another

Stationery aid 

Thank you to the students who have so ably supported our Stationery Aid MATES ministry on Friday mornings throughout the semester. We look forward to our new project for Term 3. 


The Stationery Aid collection bin can be found outside the Studies office. We will begin our Stationery Aid ministry again for Term 3 on Friday 21 July.


A note from ROSIES Kitchen: 

Thank you, Marist College Ashgrove, for all the support that you have given us over the years. Rosies Kitchen would be so grateful if you could help us spread the mission of Rosies and learn more about the patrons you have had an impact on this year by reading and sharing our current newsletter here: 

Inside Rosies,


Rosies Kitchen looks to secure more support to keep up with the increased demand on outreach across the state. As a College community we will be collecting packet/cups noodles in Term 3.


Marist College Ashgrove will be attending ROSIES street outreach during Term 3 and 4.


Places are still available for Years 11 or 12 on the following nights throughout Term 4:

October:           Monday 16, Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18

November:        Monday 6 and Wednesday 8

St Vincent de Paul 

We invite students from Year 7 – 12 to join our St Vincent de Paul conference. We meet each Tuesday during first break in Room 801. 


Please check Daily Notices for meeting times.


The group is a wonderful testament to the way our students respond to the call to stand with others. 


We are back serving our community BBQ on Thursday mornings in the yard, and always happy for new volunteers, 7.15am-8.30am.


We are planning to run a Basketball competition next term to raise awareness and funds.

Much to do and much to plan for – all students from Years 7 – 12 are welcome to join and assist. 


Head to the Mission Office for a meeting to register interest, or email mates@marash.qld.edu.au.

A Time to Retreat

Last week our Year 12 students joined several staff in Retreat, a time spent in prayer, reflection and self-exploration. The aim of the Year 12 Retreat is to lead students to an increased awareness of themselves and their true nature and to a greater intimacy with their peers and their God.


We did this through a range of experiences and activities that invited all to the understanding that to live life fully, as we are called, we need to make life-giving choices. 

Some of the activities on retreat asked of all, a discipline of self, a movement towards intimacy, which some found new, difficult and often challenging. In the relationships with their peers (particularly in fractured relationships) and in the mystery of the relationship with their God everyone makes choices. The Retreat aided to lead students to life-giving choices. 


An appreciation of our past experiences and choices was essential to informing our current situation and possible future directions. We needed to be aware that it is important to move out of “self” to embrace the fullness of life that is God’s promise to each of us. Living life fully means embracing challenge. Such challenge can give us energy and this energy may, indeed, form part of our spirituality. 


Becoming aware of ourselves as spiritual beings, reflecting on, and developing that dimension of ourselves may lead us to a greater appreciation of the faith dimension of our lives. Articulating a Christian and a Marist dimension to our lives and futures provides a necessary support to the processes we use when making choices on important issues that confront us. 


Being open to the invitation of calculated risk-taking when we make choices, allows us to be more fully open to a range of possibilities when they present themselves in our lives. Developing trust, in ourselves and in others, is an essential ingredient in living life fully. Some choices we make in life will require great courage and on occasions, will be more beneficial to others than to ourselves.


Reflection, listening and sharing brought students to a greater knowledge of themselves and their true nature, and to a greater intimacy with their peers and their God. Those young men who chose to give of themselves in a retreat opened themselves in a special way to the influence of God in their lives, manifest in different ways according to each individual’s life and background.


A positive response from our young men to God’s invitation in the context of the retreat, enabled them to leave the retreat with something more than what they came with, and was thus an occasion for personal growth.