Visual Art Update

Can it already be week two of term three?! This week in Visual Art we are continuing our exploration of collage. ‘Weeping Woman’ by Pablo Picasso is a focus of our studies. You may not know that Picasso actually completed twenty one versions of ‘Weeping Woman’. It seems Picasso was never really happy with the finished product so he kept producing versions of it. The students have been playing with perspective to create portraits in the style of ‘Weeping Woman’.
Foundation students launched into a colourful collaboration this week; creating huge butterflies which have been collaged using print media. Have a look at these hard workers in action. We love to work as a team and this session was no exception. We were able to almost completely cover the huge butterfly in just forty five minutes.
Next week, graded six students will complete individual self portraits in Picasso’s style to decorate the JCB for their term four graduation ceremony.
In the Art room, the students use “Creativity Seed Journals” to jot down, or plan at length, future art pieces. This is just one example of the way we encourage students to develop artist-like behaviours. Eliza used her journal to audition this idea for a country scene. She is now using the journal to guide her in a final piece, created using acrylic paint.