1/2 Chicks!

Early in Term Two we organised for Henny Penny Hatchlings to deliver us incubated eggs. Both the anticipation and excitement levels have been through the roof. On Monday our eggs arrived and to our surprise and delight two chicks hatched on their way to be delivered to school. We have a ‘chick naming’ system in place. The first two chicks have been named Cheeseball and Ben. We are still waiting on eleven eggs to hatch.
We are engaged in Inquiry Learning about chickens and integrating our learning with our current Maths focus on measurement weighing our chicks to measure daily growth, feed and water. Students are beyond excited and highly engaged in this rich and authentic learning opportunity. The cuteness and nurture have been next level.
Grade 1/2BV has an open-door policy and welcomes all members of the school community to come visit us and our Chicks tool