Outside School Hours Care

If you have a permanent booking and do not need the service for After School please advise the program as soon as you know, preferably before 11.00am on the day so we are able to give that space to another child.
For Before School, please call before 6.30pm the day before or email the service on oshp@macedonps.vic.edu.au
Late cancellation fees apply if your child’s place is cancelled after 11.00am. Further, if you do not cancel your child and they do not attend, fees may still apply.
Fee structure for 2023
Our rates for 2023 are: $9.00 per hour for Before School Care (7:00am - 8:45am) and After School Care (3:30pm - 6:30pm).
All you need to do is call the school 5426 1518 or email oshp@macedonps.vic.edu.au to book. If the unexpected happens and a casual booking is required within 24 hours, please contact the school via phone. We cannot accept walk-ins after school. Please note that enrolment forms need to be completed at least one business day before the first session of care.
Please pay through the school via Direct Deposit, using the following details (not BPay):
Account name: Macedon Primary School
BSB: 063-840
Account: 1003 4330
Vicki, Helen, Karen & Marie.