Education in Faith

Ash Wednesday Mass
Today the students (Year 1-6 ) attended the Parish Mass in commemoration of Ash Wednesday. This is an important date in the Catholic Liturgical Calendar as we begin our preparation for Easter throughout the 40-day season of Lent. This is a time for self-reflection through prayer, fasting and good deeds.
Please note that as part of the Mass, all children had ashes marked on their foreheads.
Thank you to the members of our school community who were able to join us. Please note that there is another Ash Wednesday Parish Mass at 7pm.
Light the Way In The Classrooms
Since the Opening School Mass, it has been great to see our "Light the Way" theme shown in the classrooms. Students are learning about what is means to be a light to others and how to live this mission everyday.
Below is the Year 5/6 display showing how our school leaders are lighting the way for the community of St John Vianney's.
Well done Senior School!!
Jonathan Rooney
Religious Education Leader