Learning & Teaching

What's happening in Numeracy across the school?

In this week’s newsletter I will share with you what’s happening across the school in Numeracy.



In the Foundation classrooms, the students have been engaging with the numbers 1-10 and learning about different ways to represent these numbers.  The different ways to represent a number include: writing the numeral, using counters, drawing pictures, finding the number on a number line, using a tens frame, tally marks on fingers.  In the photos below the students are practising the skill of subitising.  Subitising is the ability to instantly recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them.


Year 1 & 2

In the Year 1 & 2 classrooms, the students are learning about the concept of place value. The students are learning about the value of each digit in numbers up to and including 4-digit numbers. The students are also learning to order numbers according to their size and are continuing to practise counting forwards and backwards from various starting points. 


Year 3 & 4

In the Year 3 & 4 classroom, the students are learning about addition and subtraction. The learning that is happening with the classrooms is based on mental computation strategies.  It is important that students have a solid understanding of these concepts before they are introduced to written addition and subtraction strategies. The addition and subtraction mental strategies that the students are learning this week include:  partitions of 10, doubles, near doubles and 10 + facts, jump strategy and split strategy.  In the photos below the students are practising the 'doubles' strategy and the 'near doubles' strategy.


Year 5 & 6

In the Year 5 & 6 classrooms, the students are learning about the concept of place value.  The students are working with numbers up to 1 000 000. The students are also learning to understand how the place value system is applied to decimal numbers. The students are investigating how to partition (break-up) numbers in different ways and practising the skill of rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.



If you have any further questions in regards to learning and teaching please contact me via email: 


Rebecca Chan

Learning and Teaching Leader
